Category: Revit

Revit classes and WPF? The first M in MVVM

I have been receiving inquiries on my blog regarding the use of Revit classes inside the WPF window, because I mentioned that we must not use the Revit API classes inside our view models, the reason being the Revit classes obstruct the use of view-view model functionality during the...
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Using Celery.2DGraphItemSelector in Dynamo

Since I cannot produce a YouTube tutorial on how to use Celery’s 2DGraphItemSelector due to some hindrances in my surroundings, I rather post a blog to explain its usage. Sorry to keep you waiting for too long. Anyway, as you can see in this node, there are two inputs...
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Joining AU 2015

Once again I will be joining Autodesk University Las Vegas. But this time, it will be different for me. The first time I joined AU was in 2008. I went to assist my boss in his session. But this time, I will be the one who is doing the session....
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